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Hey hey! This is your giftee - thank you so much for making this! I played it with my cats chillin’ right next to me, lol

I think I may have discovered an un-intentional feature - during Chapter 7 when you’re building the home, the pieces kind of fly off into the distance after trying to place them with left click, then the game crashes xD Any way to bypass it? I’d love to see the rest!

Hey, thanks for letting me know. Sorry for the bad experience. Will check what's going on there and will provide fix as fast as I could.

Hey! Seems that I might found a bug in the engine itself since Windows builds are the only ones that seem to be affected by this. Anyway, since I couldn't track down the issue I implemented a mechanism that simply will skip the missions in a few frames. That should at least give the possibility to finish the game. Version 121 is the one with the fix.

Hey hey! Sorry I didn’t mean to imply it was a bad experience, I think it’s incredible what you’ve put together! And thank you kindly for accommodating me! You’re awesome :)